Saturday, March 19, 2016


“Listen keenly to the words of the wise and you will go a step far; in relation to your career, family, and even success”. These were strong sentiments that were uttered by a renowned clergy when I attended a one Sunday sermon. (Sometimes spiritual nourishment is an essential component that can really rejuvenate our energy and bring great composure to our own being, right). The clergy further echoed his statements by stating “Get someone wiser than you, who can hold your hand and lead you to the right direction, the direction that is bound to make you reach your intended destination. Ultimately you will discover that you are achieving what you aspire to…”
After the service, my mind went into a state of contemplation as I tried to ‘decrypt’ the meaning of what the clergy was trying to drive at. Does this imply that for you to be successful you must be helped by another person? Do you require a strong motivational drive that will give you a great passion to achieve your dreams? What about doing it all alone; is there probability you can perfectly reach your intended destination? With all these series of mind-blowing questions crisscrossing in my mind in a concocted manner, I concluded that it is stark truth that man was not made an island; he was interact with other people, get something vital from them in order to boost his consequential success or achievement.

You will discover that in this deranged society, you actually have no capability of achieving your dreams solely by yourself. For example, if we take the leadership context; behind the success or rising of ranks of a particular leader, there are always followers who are there to support them in utmost solidarity. This can also apply to you; the more you are associated to people who have made it in life, the more you discover your mind opening up and envisioning great and marvelous things you can learn and borrow from them.

Another point for you to note; always be grateful and prompt to highly acknowledge those people who have helped you to reach where you are. You might tend to overshadow that idea but in real sense, they have contributed greatly to the success that you are currently enjoying. In my opinion, I barely believe in self-made people; after all, even that cabin driver who takes you to board your plane contribute immensely to your success; he or she ensures that the time-conscious factor is taken into account and you take your flight in time. We are actually made of hundreds, thousands and even millions of others! Woodrow Wilson was once quoted saying “ I not only use all the brain I have, but all that I can borrow.”

Besides, there is this great I heard from one of my friends; if you tend to blame others for the failures you have gone through, what about crediting others for the accomplishment you have gained? Note that behind every achiever, there are those people who have contributed to such achievement, even if it may appear as little as a pinch of salt.

My final wrap? Don’t be like a conceited person with a great possession of vain pride. It’s because you will think you are up there but not yet. A popular local song “Sijafika” (I’m not there) should inspire you to know that you can achieve top-notch success if you are assisted by other great people. Take heed on that buddy!

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